2024 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing
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2024 International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Data modeling (ICIVD 2024) , as the session of The 2024 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing (ICCAID 2024), will be held on November 29-December 1, 2024 in Harbin, China.

The following information about the schedule is for your reference:

About ICIVD 2024

Call for Paper

Deep Learning:

Deep Convolutional neural network optimization, application of recurrent neural networks to sequence data, generative adversarial networks, self-supervised and unsupervised learning, transfer learning and domain adaptive, deep reinforcement learning, attention mechanisms, model compression and acceleration techniques, multimodal deep learning, meta-learning and automatic machine learning

Image and Video processing:

Image enhancement and restoration, object detection and tracking, image and video segmentation, image and video synthesis, video salience detection, medical image analysis, motion estimation and action recognition, 3D reconstruction and depth estimation, multi-view geometry and image registration, image style transfer

Data Mining and Big Data Analysis:

Data preprocessing and cleaning, feature extraction and selection, pattern recognition and relationship mining, time series data modeling, big data classification and clustering algorithms, association rule mining, real-time data flow processing, data mining, anomaly detection and diagnosis, data visualization and interpretability

Computer Vision Applications:

Autonomous driving vision system, security monitoring and intelligent monitoring, medical image automatic diagnosis, virtual reality and augmented reality, UAV visual navigation, intelligent retail and customer behavior analysis, industrial quality inspection and intelligent manufacturing, intelligent transportation and vehicle identification, cultural heritage protection and digitalization, intelligent robot vision system

Natural Language Processing and Vision:

Image subtitle generation, visual question answering system, multimodal emotion analysis, speech and image combination, graphic matching, visual story generation, image description generation